Work Work
This week had proven to be a very busy week indeed, thankfully, half of my workload is cleared already, leaving me with a practical test, a quiz, and another interview to go through, which isn't too bad I suppose.
Term break's coming up soon. Well, I guess I can't really call it a break, because there's tons of stuff to do. 2 weeks after we come back from term break, we are expected to present a demo of our games, which takes 10% of our total ICA marks. There's where the big problem comes in. The whole class, save for Aaron, has barely started on their games yet. My group, haven't done anything at all. So, starting from 4 days later, we have to rush out a playable game within a month. Yeah, good luck. My group only has two people, including myself, while the other groups have 3 each.
In any case, I'm halfway through this. No more lessons after my games development is over thankfully, just the attachment and final year project left. I wish myself good luck in the upcoming months. When all this is over, I can finally continue with my manga again.
Also, run. Get the fuck away now. K-on! is overtaking the internet.

Oh my god! Mio-chan is here too! Oh sh-!
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