Thoughts and Memories

Just a man and his thoughts

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Alright, I've been performing really badly while playing DJ Max this past 2 hours, and I think I know why, and I have to get this shit off my chest.

Pirates. Seriously, I don't give 2 hoots about people pirating, because I do pirate certain games myself. It's when the assholes openly announce that they're pirating on some official game forum, or gamefaqs, I get pissed. Seriously people, if you want to pirate, by all fucking means, do so. But what the fuck is the point of discussing why your downloaded ISO isn't working on some company's game forum? Not only that, some people even openly asks for links to download said ISO. And also, many of such pirates have extremely poor english, which leads me to believe they are Singaporeans (Singaporean english is very easily recognizable, mind you).

So yeah, fuck you people. Discussing about pirating issues (lets assume the game we're talking about is Monster Hunter Freedom) on Capcom's forums is like snatching a dude's girlfriend under his very nose.

Again, fuck you people. Lets see if you like it when you yourself is the programmer for the game/program.

Fuck you.


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