Thoughts and Memories

Just a man and his thoughts

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


As of today, it's officially 1 week till my graduation, and 22 days till I have to enlist into NS. I was initially in denial about the whole compulsory NS issue, but no matter how much I bitch about it, I still have to throw away 2 years of my life to the Singapore government. I still hate having to serve NS, but no use complaining about it now.

3 weeks is a pretty short time. There was so much I wanted to do. The major one being working extensively on my visual novel. So far, I've been doing everything alone. From the writing, to the art, to the programming, to the direction. I've managed to enlist help from one of my good friends for the programming, but so far, I haven't been talking to him about the whole project, only the bare basics. I understand he's still going through his IPP, so maybe I'll talk to him about it when he has more time. As far as the writing goes, I say that it's progressing fairly okay. I may be known by some of my friends and colleagues for my editorial and proof-reading skills, but I can't possibly edit and proof read something I wrote myself. It just doesn't work that way. You need somebody else with a different perspective. Editing and proof-reading my own script will only serve in my own demise. To that end, I wanted to enlist Mel's help in that issue. He's one of my few friends who has a firm grasp and command of the english language. Most of my other friends being brain dead typical Singaporeans who only knows Singlish. As far as proof-reading goes, he's one of the only few in my circle of friends I can trust to do a good job. But again, I understand he's busy with his NS work. I'll ask him about it when he's more free.

I have no projected end-date for this project of mine. It's on a 'progressing as I see fit' basis. Despite that however, I want to at least properly flesh out some details before I enlist. It serves no other purpose but fill me with a sense of accomplishment to bring into NS. Yeah.

One of my friends provided me with a quote the other day: "A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success." Being someone who has probably experienced many of the lows in life, I can totally relate to that sentence. All the words of commendations that I get when I complete something successfully, that's nothing compared to a mere word of encouragement I get whenever I'm down and out. It just makes me feel happy. Makes me feel that it's still actually worth it to get up and keep going.

No matter what though. 3 weeks left in my life of absolute freedom. 3 weeks until I officially step out of teenagehood. Better make the most of it.